Cal Coast Telecom

California’s Digital Communications Experts

Structured Cabling

Improve communication throughout your enterprise with state-of-the-art voice, data, and fiber-optic cabling systems as well as wireless networks and more.

Data Network Fiber-Optic Cabling

Benefit from our fiber optic technicians’ deep experience with fiber to the desk, backbone cabling, data centers, and outside-plant campus connections. Our installations include single-mode, multi-mode, ribbon, air-blown, and high fiber count solutions.

Data Network Cabling

Get all the infrastructure you need for your data network. Whether it’s Category 6 or 6a, our cabling will meet or exceed all EIA/TIA standards.

Data Center and Computer Lab Construction

Need seismic restraints for your network racks, cabinets, runway infrastructure, and fiber-optic and copper inter-connect cabling? Call on us to design and install them.

OSHPD-Compliant Networks and Data Centers

We specialize in network and data center installations under OSHPD rules.

Wireless Network Infrastructure

From remote site monitoring to IP infrastructure, our wireless network solutions keep you covered. After surveying your facility to assess security, user density, coverage, data rates, and overall capacity, we determine the ideal placement of your wireless infrastructure. Then, we install all the hardware, cameras, access points, antennas (including Ethernet, specialized coaxial cabling, and roof sleds), and any lightning protection necessary to create a secure network that supports all your current and future business needs.

Clean Room Cabling

We can design and install voice and data cabling and support systems in your operating clean rooms, using all the appropriate particulate abatement techniques.

Outside-Plant Cabling

Call on us to install aerial and underground outside plant cabling, including large-pair count telecom cables and fiber optic cables, lightning protection, splicing, and waterproofing. We can also perform confined-space work in maintenance holes and pull-boxes.

Confined-Space Work

For jobs that involve working in confined spaces and maintenance holes, our team is fully trained and equipped with all the appropriate traffic control, ventilation, testing, and rescue gear.

Cable Plant Design by an RCDD

Design a complete system that meets all your communication needs with help from our Registered Communications Distribution Designer (RCDD). The RCDD designation, administered by Building Industry Consulting Service International (BICSI), is the only professional designation of ITS designers.

Moves, Adds, and Changes

If you need to set up additional locations, move user voice and data services, adjust to changes in floor plans, and extend new data services from the MPOE to your network equipment, our large on-call staff can help.

Cable Remediation

By doing the majority of the work in the evenings and on weekends, we can upgrade your facility’s existing cabling without interrupting your day-to-day operations.


San Jose
886 Faulstich Ct
San Jose, CA 95112
Phone: (408) 275-8888

3600 Madison Ave, Suite #59
North Highlands, CA 95660
Phone: (916) 603-2830

11165 Knott Ave, Suite C
Cypress, CA 90630
Phone: (657) 822-0450

2867 Progress Place, Suite E
Escondido, CA 92029
Phone:  (760) 546-6760

12 + 11 =

Since 1995, Cal Coast Telecom has designed and built voice, data, and other integrated, high-bandwidth information transport systems (ITS) for corporations, municipalities, healthcare facilities, and school districts across California. We use industry best practices and state-of-the-art equipment to create structured cabling, audio-visual, security, and DAS solutions that help our clients operate more efficiently and effectively, and we strive to provide the highest level of customer service in everything we do.

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